Introducing drought-resilient seeds

El Goz and Dilling localities

The distribution of seeds is one of the most important project activities, where the two types of sorghum, Wada Ahmed, and Arfaa Gadamk were distributed, in addition to seeds of Ghabeish beans, sesame and millet, and seeds of 11 types of vegetables. The distribution of seeds was done through the development committee created by the project officers and there are 12 committees in each village. In addition, the seeds are received from the project store by the development committee and distributed under the supervision of the project director and the extension team working with the project.

The first success story:

“I would like to thank the project officers,” said Musa Mohmed Omer, a farmer in his fifth decade from Alnila village in Dilling locality (South Kordofan state), one of the areas that the climate change adaptation project is focusing on. A total of 27990 kg of groundnuts and 3525 kg of sorghum were distributed to farmers in July.

About the future, Musa said, “We wish to expand agriculture on a large scale and provide the rest of the farmers with improved seeds.”

The second success story

Aziz alzain Abbas is a young farmer from Tokma village in Dilling locality, Aziz has about 2 feddan. “The project provided me with the seeds and I started on July 25th, now the productivity of the groundnuts is very good and we are aiming to receive more” said Aziz.

About increasing the agricultural productivity, the state coordinator of South Kordofan mentioned that  “The expected productivity after the improved seeds is 14 sacks for the feddan, while the average was 6 sacks for the feddan”.