Previous Projects

NO Time frame Project Funder Budget $$
1 1996 – 1999م Capacity Building Project for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection – under which twenty small projects were implemented in different states (pilot projects) Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) 500,000
2 1997 – 2000م The first phase of Sudan’s implementation of the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer (1) UNIDO 350,000
3 1998 – 2001م Capacity building project to enable Sudan to implement the climate change agreement Global Environment Facility and UNDP 400,000
4 1995 -1997م

2000 -2007م

Projects implementing the Montreal Protocol on the Ozone Layer – The use of substances harmful to the ozone layer has been completely eliminated in Sudan Ozone Fund – Ministry of Industry
5 1999 – 2002م Sudan Biodiversity Project Global Environment Facility 334,000
6 2001 – 2004م Environmental strategies to overcome the impacts of climate change Global Environment Facility and UNDP 150,000
7 2003 – 2005م Sudan Biosafety Project Global Environment Facility 158,000
8 2003 – 2005م The strategic project for the environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden The Regional Authority for the Red Sea Environment 237,000
9 2004 – 2006م National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change Global Environment Facility and UNDP 390,000
10 2004 – 2006 Persistent Organic Pollutants Project Global Environment Facility 500,000
11 2004 -2006م Capacity building project in the field of environmental management UNDP 200000
12 2004 – 2009م Nile Basin Initiative projects Nile Basin Initiative Fund 39,000,000
13 2000-2003 Dinder National Reserve Development Project(1 ) Global Environment Facility and UNDP 1,590,000
14 2004 – 2007م Dinder National Reserve Development Project(2) Global Environment Facility and UNDP 1,627,000
15 2005 – 2006م Preparing the national environmental management plan for Sudan post-war European Union, Nile Basin Initiative, United Nations Environment Program 134.124
16 2008-2011 The draft preparation of the second national communication report for the Convention on Climate Change UNDP/ GEF


17 2010 – 2011م The strategic approach to international chemicals management project UNEP 125000
18 2011 – 2013م A project to identify technologies in the field of climate change Global Environment Facility 100.000
19 2011 – 2013م Clean Development Mechanism Project Global Environment Facility 150.000
20 2013 Project to update the National Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) UNIDO 200.000
21 2010- 2013 Capacity Building Project for Adaptation in the Agriculture and Water Sectors Global Environment Facility and UNDP 3.800.000
22 2011  – 2013 Draft National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change UNEP
23 2013- 2015 National planning project to implement the biodiversity strategy Global Environment Facility and UNDP  250.000
24 2013-2014 Carbon Reduction Strategy Project UNDP 200.000
25 2014 – 2018 Adaptation to climate change project (Canadian support Global Environment Facility and UNDP 000.300. 6


26 2014 – 2018 Insurance against climate change risks for the sustainability of the agricultural sector Global Environment Facility and UNDP 000.300. 6


27 2016 – 2019 The third national communication project for climate change UNDP



2017 – 2019


Global Project on Access and Benefit-sharing to build human, legislative and institutional capacities for implementing the Nagoya Protocol UNDP


29 2018 -2016 The Biodiversity Database Project UNDP 50,000
30  2018July- December2018 The draft of the sixth national report of the Convention on Biological Diversity UNDP 100,000
31 2018-2021 Adaptation project for most vulnerable local communities to climate change to adapt to climate change White Nile State Global Environment Facility 4,284,000
32 2018-2020 Capacity building project to benefit from the Green Climate Fund Green Climate Fund 396.220
33 2018- 2020 Initial Draft of  Assessment of Possible Activities to Ratify the Minamata Convention to Reduce the Use of Mercury Global Environment Facility through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 161,000
34 -20212018  Adaptation of Rural Livelihoods to Climate Change Project in the Horn of Africa Global Environment Facility – African Development Bank 7,082,407
35 2018-2022 Strengthening targeted national capacities to improve decision-making and mainstream global environmental commitments Global Environment Facility (United Nations Development Program) 1000.000