Reports The Dasgupta Review report on the Economics of biodiversity First State of the Environment and Outlook Report for the Republic of Sudan Final TNA Adaptation The Technology Needs Assessment project, funded by the Global Environment Facility -GEF Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change – TNA Main Communications Sudan’s First National Communications under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – Volume I Sudan’s First National Communications under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change : Volume 2 APPENDIX National Adaptation Programme of Action Sudan’s Second National Communications under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Dinder Management plan 2004 NCSA-sudan-fr-ap NIP_Sudan Sudan Fourth Biodiversity Report Sudan second Bio. Nat. Report PartI Sudan Second Bio. Nat. Report PartII Sudan-First Bio. Nat. Report UNEP_Sudan التقارير السنوية ARتقرير المجلس الاعلي للبيئة 1994 -2004 ARالتقرير السنوى 2009 AR التقرير السنوى 2010 AR التقرير السنوي 2011 AR التقرير السنوي 2012 AR التقرير السنوي 2013 AR التقرير السنوي 2014 AR التقرير السنوي 2015