International Consultant Job

The Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCNER)
Strengthened Protected Areas System and Integrated Ecosystem Management Project (SPAS)

The Higher Council of Environment and Natural Resources received A GRANT from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) trust fund and UNDP to implement a project titled; Strengthened Protected Areas System and Integrated Ecosystem Management in Sudan
The Objectives of the project is to strengthen the National Protected Area (PA) system, integrate ecosystem management in adjacent areas so as to reduce threats to biodiversity, mitigate land degradation, sustain ecosystem services and improve people’s livelihoods. These objectives will be achieved through project 4 components
Component 1: To create an enabling environment to PAs system.
Component 2: to improve Management efficiency in 3 selected PAs
Component 3: Integrated Natural Resources Management in Multi-use landscape in and around targeted PAs
Component 4: Knowledge Management and Gender Mainstreaming
The enabling environment will be established at the national level for expanded PA management through production of policy document, updated legislation an institutional reform for sustainable PA network in the country
The key outcomes are as follows:
Outcome1: Improved institutional capacities in WCGA/HCNER
Outcome 2: Sudan PA estate legally expanded to include the full diversity of its eco-region and endemic biodiversity
Outcome 3: financial resources for natural PA system improved .PA policy and strategy agreed and financial accepted
The output 2 PA management structure formulation in WCGA in collaboration with HCNER and other agencies, ministries ensuring PA formulated and categorized in line with UNESCO and IUCN international standards as well as national guidelines therefore SPAS seeks to appoint an international Consultant to align the system to the international standards and to be agreed upon by government and peer reviewed by UNESCO/IUCN – world commission Monitoring Center and IUCN experts .The system will be put in place in Sudanese legal framework under WCGA management and then incorporated into WCGA management structure
The international consultant will have to perform the following Tasks and Duties:-
– To review the current PAs system in Sudan based on the current wildlife and Protected areas 1986 Act
– Review relevant related laws and regulations
– Re- design the PAS system to be in line with IUCN categories especially in term of definitions of PAs by status , objectives and elaborate of basic rules of each category
– To facilitate the alignment of the PAs with UNESCO –MAB guidelines
– To give full description of the management structure that will be formulated in WCGA including skills of the staff ,job description
– Any related matter

Skills and qualifications:

– The international Consultants should have experience in both IUCN PAs categories as well as MAB guidelines
– He /She have a full experience in PAs management.
– Being a member to IUCN or UNESCO is an advantage.
– He /She submit the C.V of his/her academic qualifications and experience especially those related to similar tasks and duties described above to

The office of the Secretary General of HCENR
Mekk Nimir Street – Khartoum P.O Box 10488 or (PAs) project office – el Jamaa Street
Or by email to: or

Only short listed will be contact.