Training workshop on spatial data collecting using mobile systems
A training workshop on collecting spatial data using mobile systems was organized by the Strengthen Targeted National Capacities for improved the decision-making process and Mainstreaming Global Environmental Obligations Project (HCNER) in Khartoum for three days. The workshop was attended by 17 participants from the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources and other relevant parties; such as the National Forestry Authority, the Remote Sensing Authority, the Central Statistics Agency, the Meteorological Authority, the National Council for Strategic Planning, the Ministry of Livestock, and the Wildlife Police Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Khartoum, Faculty of Forestry.
The project’s national director, Professor Miqdam Sheikh Abdul-Ghani, promised more advanced training courses in capacitybuilding for this group in order to work together on the environmental indicators of the project. This promise was confirmed by the environmental database advisor of the project , Dr. Al-Tayeb Ghanawa and his assistant Fateh Al-Rahman Yousef Gawish to work with this group and the competent authorities on environmental databases and indicators to improve the decision-making process and mainstreaming global environmental commitments.