A consultative meeting on environmental management and governance was held in the Red Sea state
A consultative meeting on environmental management and governance (Strengthen Targeted National Capacities Project) was held today at the Peace Hall of the Secretariat of the Red Sea State Government. The aim of the meeting is to improve the decision-making process and evaluate global environmental commitments implemented by the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program and the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources in the Red Sea State.The representative of the Governor of the Red Sea, the Acting Secretary of the Government, Rabeh Fadl Al-Karim, the National Director of the Capacity Strengthening Project, Prof Miqdam Al-Sheikh, and the representative of the Higher Council in the state, Dr. Taha Al-Taher Badawi addressed the opening meeting. Explanatory presentations were submitted by a group of experts on the project, and Dr. Ezzat Mirghani Taha give a presentation on the environmental challenges in Sudan and the states, focusing on the outcomes of the study carried out by the Council’s Institutional Work Advisory.Maulana Yasser Ahmed Salih, Advisor to the Ministry of Justice and Advisor to the Capacity Program, gave a lecture on legislation and laws, highlighting the Environmental Law for the year 2020. Prof. Al-Tayeb Ghanawa, the project advisor in collecting information, and Dr. Ahmed Ali, the project advisor, in self-assessment talk about on the importance of the data on decision-making at the country level and the challenges and shed light on the environmental challenges in the states and the Red Sea.The attendees discussed the indicators of quantitative assessment of national capacities to implement environmental commitments. The indicators consist of ten points; they were presented to the participants for evaluation, collection, and analysis.It was been agreed to put forward an environmental work model and come up with a critical recommended in the favour of the state’s environmental law and the state’s Higher Council for the Environment. Recommendations will be submitted to the governor of the Red Sea and the Secretariat of the Higher Council in Khartoum through the interventions of the distinguished qualitative presence, especially the following authorized structure and information in environmental governance. Through the interventions of the distinguished qualitative audience, especially in the following, the approved structure and information in environmental governance.It should be noted that representative of the state government ,Port Sudan locality, the state’s Higher Council for the Environment; Agriculture, industry, finance, social affairs, and education sectors; Forests and Hygiene Authority , Marine Research Institute , Vision building project for climate change , State water department , Sudanese Red Crescent Society , Information center in the office of AlWali , College of Marine Sciences, Safety Department (Sea Ports), Delta Center for Scientific and Environmental Studies and Research,, Marine Control Department participate in today’s meeting .